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The seminar discusses advanced topics and recent developments in game theory, information and uncertainty and general equilibrium theory. The instructor and seminar participants present recent papers published and unpublished in economic theory as well as their own research. Participants are expected to make a presentation. The topics vary depending on current interests in the profession. The format is a "brown bag" bring your own lunch format, meeting at noon.

Archive of working papers

There is a small archive of working papers that may be of interest to participants, and which they wish present to the group.

Possible topics:

Learning in games. Evolutionary models. Repeated games. Stochastic games. Folk Theorems. Models of reputation. Refinements of Nash equilibrium. Optimization theory and bandits. Bargaining models. Mechanism design. Auctions. Monopoly power. Local vs. global interactions. Diffusion of information. Incomplete markets. Asset markets. Bankruptcy. Debt constraints. Models of informational asymmetry.