and Game Theory
Nemmers Conference: You can see the presentations at the excellent Nemmers Conference held at Northwestern to celebrate the award of the Nemmers Prize to Ariel Rubinstein. [Posted at 05/12/2005 06:25 PM by David K. Levine ] Theoretical Economics: A new very serious open access journal in economic theory. We aim to become the best specialty journal in economic theory. [Posted at 03/31/2005 05:24 PM by David K. Levine ] Spanish overview of Boldrin and Levine on Intellectual Property: Courtesy of Juan Dubra and his students. The article is here. [Posted at 02/14/2005 06:24 PM by David K. Levine ]
In Memoriam Gerard Debreu: Dec 31, 2004.[Posted at 01/22/2005 08:10 AM by David K. Levine ]It's Not Rush Limbaugh: But if you want to learn about game theory, check out The Leonard Lopate Show's "Games People Play" with Steven Brams a political scientist at NYU and me. The Real Player audio stream is here. [Posted at 01/14/2005 03:57 PM by David K. Levine ] Finnish Economic Papers: Focused on small economies and published in English, Finnish Economic Papers is open access, online and publishes papers by well known non-Finnish authors as well as Finnish authors. It is refereed, published twice a year, and run by three societies: the Finnish Society for Economic Research (founded 1936), the Finnish Economic Association (founded 1884) and the Economic Society of Finland (founded 1894). [Posted at 12/01/2004 03:21 PM by David K. Levine ] Directory of Open Access Journals: A list of open access journals in economics. [Posted at 12/01/2004 03:17 PM by David K. Levine ] Has Disney bought the courts along with congress: Updated Tuesday October 25: An essay on Mickey Mouse and the economics of retroactive copyright. [Posted at 10/14/2004 10:47 AM by David K. Levine ]
Ed Prescott and Finn Kydland
In Memoriam Scott Freeman: June 9, 1954 - July 23, 2004. Memories of Scott.[Posted at 09/12/2004 04:05 PM by David K. Levine ] |