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Help save the public domain: View the Lessig-Eldrid petition to reclaim "lost" copyrighted material for the public domain [Posted at 09/01/2003 06:12 PM by David K. Levine ]

Your government at work: Why copyright extension is a bad idea, and why economic growth reduces the social benefits of patents [Posted at 08/31/2003 06:14 PM by David K. Levine ]

New paper: Rent Seeking and Innovation: paper presented at the annual Carnegie-Rochester conference on rent-seeking through the public and private sector [Posted at 05/25/2003 06:30 PM by David K. Levine ]

Was Napster Right: article in The Region by Douglas Clement based on Boldrin & Levine. Reprinted in Reason Online, also see the Slashdot thread on the book and on the Reason article. [Posted at 04/15/2003 08:58 AM by David K. Levine ]

Review: Discussion at the Library of Economics and Liberty. [Posted at 02/20/2003 06:27 PM by David K. Levine ]

Review: Slashdot thread on The Case Against Intellectual Monopoly [Posted at 02/15/2003 06:25 PM by David K. Levine ]

Draft available: Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 of Boldrin and Levine's new book The Case Against Intellectual Monopoly now available. [Posted at 12/13/2002 09:22 AM by David K. Levine ]

Was Napster Right: article in The Region by Douglas Clement based on Boldrin & Levine. [Posted at 09/22/2002 10:29 AM by David K. Levine ]

Review: Was Napster Right: article in The Region by Douglas Clement based on Boldrin & Levine [Posted at 09/01/2002 06:35 PM by David K. Levine ]

IP in the news: A lawyers view of intellectual property. Including some interesting observations about industries that do not have recourse to intellectual "property." [Posted at 08/05/2002 06:35 PM by David K. Levine ]

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