and Game Theory
Jean Tirole: My remarks last year when Jean received the honorary doctorate from the EUI. [Posted at 01/25/2016 01:12 AM by David K. Levine ] The Keynesian Delusionists: In rough chronological order, the delusionists: Poor Brad - thieves believe everyone is a thief, those incapable of rational reasoning believe nobody can reason rationally. By contrast, here is a reasoned response. This one is reasoned - although as I point out in my rebuttal, hopelessly confused. Then we are back to silly rants. First Krugman and again Krugman and finally Brad loses it entirely. You might contrast the tone of those who actually do scientific work. [Posted at 03/16/2015 03:16 AM by David K. Levine ] The Keynesian Illusion: Explained here [Posted at 03/15/2015 02:14 AM by David K. Levine ] NPR on Patents: An NPR program on patents based on an interview with Michele and me. [Posted at 07/31/2014 04:05 AM by David K. Levine ] Classroom Games: If you are a fan of classroom experiments, you should take a look at Walter Yuan's Walter wrote most of the software for SSEL and CASSEL and with a lot of input from top experimentalists has designed some really good classroom software. [Posted at 04/26/2014 05:58 AM by David K. Levine ] Free Online Classroom Games: Nicolas Gruyer has a very nice site with games you can use for economics in your classroom. Take a look! [Posted at 07/08/2013 03:44 AM by David K. Levine ] Review of Acemoglu and Robinson's Why Nations Fail: Can we explain the world by extractive and inclusive political institutions? [Posted at 09/30/2012 12:55 AM by David K. Levine ] Is Behavioral Economics Doomed?:
The Ordinary Versus the Extraordinary:
NSF Economics in the Future: White papers by economists about the future of economics. [Posted at 01/31/2011 01:03 PM by David K. Levine ] |