Jarnal - Startup
by David K. Levine
The command line format is java -jar jarnal.jar
Several command line options are supported
- -t filename opens
the file as
a template so it will not be accidentally overwritten when saving
- -b filename opens
filename as
a background file
- -bb filename similar to -b except that if a file that begins with filename and ends with .jaj exists in the same directory, that file will be opened instead of opening filename as a background file.
- -m filename opens
filename as
a metadata file; meta data files are described below
- -n do not
show the menu bar
- -p restore
window to previous
position of file/template on the screen
- -pnxm
restore window to
the absolute position nxm ignoring whatever the
saved position might be
- -l filename
load filename as an
"extra" file to be stored in the .jaj file (this option may be
specified more than once)
- -g
use an external
renderer such as
ghostscript or xpdf to
render pdf
- -sg use a silent external renderer. Similar to -g
except that if the renderer fails, instead of popping up a message and
switching to the internal renderer, the internal render is used for the
current page only without a message. Useful if you use ghostscript with
documents that have bad pdf.
- -mini
supercedes all other
lines switches to open a mini-jarnal suitable for copying recognized
text to the clipboard
- -pen starts in pencentric mode
- -s filename
sets the name and directory the file will be saved in
- -fs start up full-screen
- -pdf filename converts
the .jaj file into a pdf file called filename from the command
line without opening the gui. You may use - for the filename in which
case if the .jaj file is called fname.jaj the pdf file will be called
fname.pdf. Note that the print options should already be set in the
.jaj file. Note also that to run jarnal under linux you must have an
xserver running. If you are running without one, install the dummy
xserver Xvfb and use the command Xvfb
:1 -screen 0 10x10x8 -pixdepths 1 &export DISPLAY=:1.0 ; java
-Xmx192m -jar jarnal.jar -pdf - whatever.jaj making sure to kill Xvfb when
you are done.
- -connect hostname:port initiates a connection to the server operating on port at hostname
If filename
begins with
http:// the file will be downloaded from the url rather than loaded
from the local filesystem.
A metadata file is a text file containing command line options plus
other options. Here is a sample
[email protected], John <[email protected]>
[Net Options]
The format is the usual .ini file format. There are two
in the metadata file [Globals]
[Net Options]. The [Net
Options] section
will be used as the default
Network Save Options, to send information
back to a
server. The
[Globals] section supports the following
- jarnalFile
to open
- templateFile to open
- backgroundFile to open
- email list of email addresses
- loadFile an "extra"
file to be saved in the
.jaj zip; you may specify as many as you like
- netServer
to send network saves to
- netSaveName sets the
network save name
- promptForNetSaveName whether
if the network
save name is not set and the user attempts to exit a prompt to set the
network save name will be issued
- URLEncode whether
data going back
to the server should be urlencoded - see below
- showMenu
set to false
is the same as command line switch -n
- setLocation
set to
true is the same as command line switch -p
intended usage is that a web server can generate a metadata file on the
fly instructing jarnal what file to download and open, and where the
server is so that the file can be saved back to the server.
Applet Parameters:
The applet
uses parameters to set the metadata. The parameters
where n
is an integer, and
the parameters are numbered sequentially starting with 0 become [Net
Options]. For example the
jarnal-demo.htm file
uses the following (you can view the source by clicking on the files
and viewing the code in your browser).
<applet code="jarnal/Jarnal" archive="jarnal.jar"
<param name=netServer
<param name=p0 value="just=a test">
<param name=p1
This will cause the network save function
to send a jpg
snapshot under the name infile to the php script http://www.dklevine.com/workshops/jarnal.php3.
Note that due to java security restrictions, this script will work only
if loaded from www.dklevine.com.
All keys that can appear in metafiles can appear as applet parameters.
In addition three additional keys are supported
- metaFile load the specified metaFile
- embed if set to true
the applet will be
embedded in the web page rather than appearing in a separate window
- showGUI if set to
true the entire GUI will be
available, and the applet will behave the same way as the application.
This must be used with caution. The applet can only interact with the
server it was loaded to, and cannot access the local file system or
clipboard. By default these options are disabled. However, if the
applet is signed, it can be given access to the full resources
available on the computer. The showGUI parameter is intended to be set
only when the applet is signed.
- loadFile should be
specified as loadFilen
where each file is
assigned a different integer n
Priorities: When
opened as an
application, parameters can be read from several locations.
1. Either a template or a
file can be opened, but
not both, and no more than one of each should be specified. If both a
template and a file to open are specified, whichever appears last on
the command line is used; if a template was specified, the whichever
file is used is treated as a template. If a metadatafile is used,
the background, template and file replace those specified on the
command line. The template in a metadatafile always has priority over
opening a file. The first encountered file is used. Files specified in
a metadata file have priority over files specified by applet parameters.
2. Only one background file
should be specified as
an option at loading; it is added to whatever backgrounds already exist
in the file. The background in the file or
template that is opened
takes priority over that specified in the metadatafile or the command
line. On the command line, the last encountered background file is
used; in a metadata file the first encountered background file is used.
3. It is not regarded as an error to
have duplicate
network save parameters in different locations; since network save
parameters are stored in the .jaj file, when a metadata file is loaded
from the network, it will generally duplicate parameters stored in the
loaded file. The parameters in the metadata file take precedence.
applet parameters get second priority, and parameters in the file get
least priority. Metadata variables ([Network Options]) are combined
with those from the applet, and the two together replace any variables
in the file.