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Dynamic Game Theory Assignments

by David K. Levine, Department of Economics, UCLA

top | syllabus | readings | assignments | dissertation |contact

All problem sets, essays and the paper must be typed and submitted by email to [email protected] as pdf files.

Problem Sets:

  1. Basic Game Theory: Problems; Answers; due Thursday Jan 19, 2006 9PM; Discussion: Monday January 30, 3:30PM, 9294 Bunche
  2. Repeated Games: Problems; Answers; (skip question 3 parts c and d) due Thursday Feb 2, 2006 9PM
  3. Reputation: Problems; Answers; due Sunday Feb 12, 2006 9PM; Discussion: Monday February 13, 3:30PM, 9294 Bunche 
  4. Learning and Evolution in Games:  Problems; Answers; Thursday Mar 9, 2006 9PM

Paper/Take-home Exam: due Friday Mar 17, 2006 9PM

Sample Paper by Jaeok Park

current and old exams, problem sets, answers, slides and other material are found at http://levine.sscnet.ucla.edu/texts/index.php3?pwrd=guest in the folder "game_theory/advanced"

Old comprehensive exams are here: