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Ask a question about: Bargaining

Respond to the question: bargaining?
10/28/2014 06:52 AM by Dexter; bargaining
It is said that, all points on the boundary of the bargaining set are Pareto optimal solutions. What is the logic and proof behind this statement? [View full text and thread]

Respond to the question: Binmore Convention Consistency?
12/21/2012 02:41 PM by name withheld; Binmore, Convention Consistency
[View full text and thread]

Respond to the question: Equilibria in Bargaining Games?
12/21/2011 08:59 AM by Liam; Equilibria in Bargaining Games
Why is equilibria in bargaining games different to those predicted by Standard Game Theory? [View full text and thread]

Respond to the question: Holdout and Wage Bargaining in continuou?
04/14/2008 12:11 PM by Giancarlo Musto; Holdout and Wage Bargaining in continuous time
I'm an italian student. I'm studying a model about holdout and the wage bargaining in the continuous time, but I find some difficulties with the utility functions. I'd like to have a little help. I attach a pdf file with a short [View full text and thread]

Respond to the question: Menus in bargains?
07/19/2004 09:13 AM by JBI; Menus in bargains
Hi, I am doing my Msc dissertation on Service Level Agreements. I am looking at a variety of negotiation mechanisms, whiuch will obviously be dependent on the nature of the contracts to be agreed. I am looking at two cases, one where [View full text and thread]

Respond to the question: game theory and XML?
06/28/2004 11:20 AM by JBI; game theory and XML
Hi, I'm doing a master's in information systems engineering and am leaning towards doing my dissertation on bargaining for service level agreements between autonomous agents in distributed systems. It struck me that it might be an [View full text and thread]

Respond to the question: I still have the model?
02/26/2004 08:44 AM by antonella; I still have the model!
My model is Nash bargaining solution. But my question is how to apply the model to real facts and events.Please, help me. [View full text and thread]

Respond to the question: Backward solution of never ending games?
03/08/2003 03:39 AM by name withheld; how to "backward" solve neverending games
look at rubinstein model (where the problem is solved finding a sorto of stationary solution) [View full text and thread]

Respond to the question: Nash bargaining with side constraints?
03/01/2003 03:04 AM by Andreas; Nash bargaining with side constraints
Hi, I am wondering how I would go about maximising a (generalized)Nash bargaining with side constraints, e.g. max{x-y}{y-z} s.t. y>=p where y is the variable to be maximised? Regards, Andreas [View full text and thread]

Respond to the question: Backward solution of never ending games?
10/01/2002 02:35 PM by Pelagia; Backward solution of never ending games
Please anyone give me some clue how can one solve a never ending game backwards. We are talking about collective bargaining here. You have two players that split the proft whcih decreases with 20% every week. The profit decay function [View full text and thread]

Respond to the question: a bargaining game where only one side of?
04/18/2002 04:04 PM by ori zax;

Respond to the question: Hi Need a little help with this bargain?
11/16/2000 09:51 AM by Brandon; Bargaining - Smarties
Thank you Walter! I've emailed a reply. [View full text and thread]

Respond to the question: Subgame Perfection?
02/03/2000 12:59 PM by Carolyn Seydel; Clarification
I was thinking of a problem with entry and exit of agents. So say that n agents of each of the two types enter every period. Types change in the sense that after a type 1 trades with a type 2, he becomes a new type (someone with the [View full text and thread]